Auto Ordnance 1911 A1 Serial Numbers, auto ordnance 1911 serial number lookup, auto ordnance 1911 serial numbers, auto ordnance serial number look up, auto ordnance serial number lookup, auto-ordnance serial number lookup, auto-ordnance serial number search, springfield 1911 serial number date, springfield 1911 serial number identification, springfield 1911 serial number lookup, springfield 1911 serial number search, springfield 1911 serial number ww130839, springfield 1911 serial numbers, springfield serial number search 1911, thompson 1911 a1 serial numbers Military IssueSerial Numbers M1911A1 models = Mathrough the rest of WW II ( The U.S. Serial number range and were.455 Webley caliber.) 5) British M1911A1 WW II Lend-Lease: From all S/N's of U.S. Any weapons that possessed any other letter or had no letter were military-owned weapons.

Serial Numbers Most weapons that were available to the commercial market during the years of manufacture had a serial number that began or ended with a 'C'.

Take a closer look at this X serial number Colt Model 1911, or is it a 1911A1? This pistol was stolen and recovered then renumbered.